
Sehen Sie , welche neuigkeiten es bei uns gibt

DONE! Deliveries at WCONNECTA in Barcelona

Last week we were honoured to be guests at the 7th International Meeting of Transport Professionals in Barcelona, organised by WCONNECTA. Nearly 400 companies from all over Europe came to the event, including us as representatives of the transport sector. There was a lot of interest in our company’s offer among the participants, which we hope will result in fruitful contacts in the future. We’d like to thank the organisers for the excellent arrangements and fantastic atmosphere. We’ll be sure to take part in the next edition.



Carriers4Ukraine - The story of Olga Lukianenko

Olga's story shows the situation of people affected by war and whom we want to help. We encourage you to support our initiative so that help reaches even more people in need.

Carriers4Ukraine - The story of Kateryna Ashykhgmina and her family

Kateryna's story shows the situation of people affected by war and whom we want to help. We encourage you to support our initiative so that help reaches even more people in need.